Leigh-Anna Hidalgo is an assistant professor of sociology at SUNY Binghamton University. She has a PhD from UCLA’s Department of Chicana/o and Central American Studies. Her research interests in informal economies and urban struggles guides her book under contract with Duke University Press titled, Abolitionist Marketplaces, based on a seven-year ethnography with leaders of the Los Angeles Street Vending Campaign. She has also published in Qualitative Inquiry, Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture, and Latino Studies, among other venues. She developed the visual research method of augmented fotonovelas (photo-based comics) in a series of digital humanities projects with the campaign that focuses on community-based research approaches. Born in Los Angeles, to a Salvadoran father and U.S. mother, she spent her childhood traveling between Guatemala and El Salvador during the 1980s and 90s. Currently she resides in NY with her husband and kids.